iCONECT Xperts

Cornerstone Documents Joins the iCONECT-XERA Partnership Program

Written by Lynn Frances Jae | March 26, 2018 at 7:56 PM

We are excited to welcome Cornerstone Documents from Houston, Texas as a new eDiscovery legal services provider (LSP) partner. Cornerstone is a one-stop litigation support provider for law and accounting firms, corporations and government agencies. They strive to offer a flexible electronic discovery solution by combining industry knowledge, technical expertise and ground-breaking software such as iCONECT-XERA. Cornerstone will be offering the iCONECT-XERA platform along with the analytics module, powered by ayfie, to its clients across North America. So far, three of the Cornerstone support staff have completed the iCONECT-XERA Administrator Certification program, and are ready to successfully guide clients through their projects. 

“When we add a new LSP with Cornerstone’s level of expertise to our network, we know they will utilize all the capabilities in the iCONECT-XERA platform. That leads to success for their clients and snowballs the adoption of our innovative technology,” said Ian, our CEO.

Cornerstone’s clients have shared their praise about the company. “Cornerstone exemplifies the ideal service provider. They strive for perfection and go the extra mile for the most difficult/last minute tasks,” said Josh of Cokinos |Young.

Chad Daniel, CEO of Cornerstone Documents says, “Our team is excited about this new partnership and the iCONECT-XERA eDiscovery software. We have been using a less mature tool with fewer features and less functionality, but our clients needed more. The visual tools, imbedded collaboration and simplicity are a few of the reasons we selected iCONECT-XERA. Our admins wanted more control of the system, and now they have that. From the first conversation, it was clear that collaboration is in the DNA of iCONECT."

“Our team is ready to demo this tool to current clients and prospects,” added Daniel.

Learn more about Cornerstone here.