iCONECT Xperts

(e)Discover What You Don’t Know with Data Clustering (part 2)

Written by Olivia Cain | May 16, 2017 at 6:30 PM
In my last post, I looked at data clustering in iCONECT XERA as a quick way for analytics to find the important data that you know to look for in ever-expanding eDiscovery datasets. Let’s look at ways to find those hidden gems.

Clustering to Discover What You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know

Many times, we think we know exactly what is happening with an eDiscovery case. It is not until we realize we don’t know what we don’t know, that we take a step back and wonder if there is a better way. Clustering helps to confirm what we think we know and uncover things we didn’t know.
Nowadays, everyone knows that somewhere there is an electronic copy of everything they do, so people have become smart and have started to use codes to exchange information they don’t want to be found later. Imagine if the individuals implicated in our case used the weather or fantasy sports to discuss the amount and timing of when to use different Performance-Enhancing Drugs (PEDs). Clustering shows you the ideas of conversations, so a large cluster relating to the weather might seem out of place. With a click, you can look at those documents a little closer. #Easy eDiscovery
Upon further investigation, emails about the temperature, dates and times in Denver, from people who didn’t even live in Denver let alone Colorado, may lead you to examine these emails alongside key case events to identify patterns, or the correlation with positive drug tests performed on the athletes.
Without clustering, weather emails could easily be overlooked as simply individuals talking about the weather. When the content is grouped by ideas, it becomes evident that the number of emails relating to weather are disproportionate and maybe this is a code for something related to drug testing, or drug use. You have uncovered the potential needle you didn’t even know you needed to see.

What Next?

Data volumes keep growing, and technology and people get smarter. I remember when a 256MB flash drive was all we needed to store everything. Now I carry a phone that stores 128 times that amount of data. With ever-growing data in everyone’s hands, on their laptops, in the cloud and on company servers, deciding where to start and what you have can be difficult. Clustering gives the insight to make easy, informed and correct choices. #Choices
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