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iCONECT Xperts

From Raw Data to Review in 3 Easy Steps

You heard that right!

iCONECT has just released its integrated processing module for iCONECT-XERA eDiscovery review software; and it's fast.

Our eDiscovery software development efforts have always been laser focused on creating the most...

Fun and Education at eDiscovery Day

Our CEO, Ian Campbell, has been invited to spend an hour on Friday sharing what we have learned by hosting the JFK data. Here's sneak peak at what he'll talk about:

  • There is always that guy…
    • when most users are up and running in minutes, you...

Where's the Love for the Mid-sized Firms?

While the big law firms have thrived in the past few years, mid-sized firms have shrunk. One of the places they can't seem to compete is in providing eDiscovery services. Litigation Support departments as a profit center, or at least as a value-add...

What Story Does Your Data Tell?

That's the title of the technology session that our CEO, Ian Campbell, will present at the Technology in Practice Conference next week in Toronto, Canada.

Of course, you need to respond to discovery requests. While you're at it, why not get to the...

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