iCONECT Xperts
Olivia Cain

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iCONECT 2020 Feature of the Year Award
Day 2: iCONECT 2020 Feature of the Year Award - 3 Nominees
iCONECT 2020 Feature of the Year!
Introducing iCONECT Feature of the Year Award
Project Templates - A Complete Guide
Anyone who knows me, even just a little bit, knows I hate to do things more than once and I always look for the most efficient way to get things done – the first time!
Where did 2020 go?
Next week is November! Where did 2020 go?
The idea of school is changing
Many of you may know that I am a foster parent. I love kids and can’t have any of my own, so this was a great option for me. I love having kids in my home. They are fun, full of life and have imaginations that help me keep my “wonder”.
Starting any new job is not easy.
I remember my first real job – where I got a real paycheck. It was at a very upscale golf and country club. I worked weekends selling drinks, snacks, and sandwiches to members on the course. My first day was rough: one member didn’t get a ham and...
Easy Imports and Easy Productions!
After 15 years in the same home, I recently moved to a new home! It was quite an adjustment, and a ton of work. I was not looking forward to moving my fun utilities – cable, internet and yes, home phone (I love my home phone) because it had been so...
One thing is for certain, right now online is everything.
These are uncertain times for sure. But one thing is for certain, right now online is everything! As someone who only has LinkedIn, I am wishing that I had more social media accounts, since all interaction now seems to be through social media.
I am just going to say it: these are crazy times. I know everyone has a different point of view on how we got here, what could have been done, and where we go next, but my focus is on keeping everyone I care about safe and healthy. Our Support team...
You Gotta See It to Believe It
iCONECT AI Predict and iCONECT Oversight are two new AI tools in Version 10. I don’t have an analogy from my life that I can use in this post because this is something I haven’t really seen before… like ANYWHERE.
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