iCONECT Xperts
Olivia Cain

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#CHOICES: Fully Customize Document View for Quick Review
As I discussed in my last blog post, Document View has changed and I am still ecstatic! Now that document list templates no longer dictate the type of file that displays in
the main area of the screen, we have a ton of #CHOICES on how to use the...
Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes - We're Quite Aware of What You Have Been Going Thru!
Document View has changed and I am not going to lie to you, I am ecstatic!
Now there is a new simplified tab view for viewing documents, and the ability to resize both panes on the sides of the screen. Document List templates (the templates needed...
About Our Database
This blog includes screenshots and examples that are taken from the Sword Weaklegs database, which uses a data set we created that is loosely based on the USADA’s U.S Postal Service Pro Cycling Team Investigation. The...
Reducing Clicks to Reduce Complaints
When implementing anything for a group of reviewers, I try to remember that clicks equal complaints. What I mean is the more clicks someone has to do to accomplish a task, the more complaints I will get. With the introduction of Coding Requirements...
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