iCONECT Xperts
Olivia Cain

Recent Posts
COVER Me Quickly with Mass Action Redaction
There are certain things that just need to be COVERed up, whether it is a terrible tattoo, or the smell from the microwave after someone puts fish in it. The same is true in eDiscovery: there is certain information that needs to be COVERed. This is...
iCONECT’s Easy Peasy Projects
We all love easy. Staples created a whole campaign around an “Easy Button”, and I get it! Life can be hard. We have made creating a new project, loading data, and then producing it after review a breeze in iCONECT Version 10.
Not Just a Fresh Coat of Paint
I just moved into a new house, and honestly every room in my house is some shade of Crayola basic brown, so a fresh coat of paint is in order. In iCONECT Version 10 we have definitely given the whole interface a fresh coat of paint, but we have...
Version 10 - Not Just a Fresh Coat of Paint
iCONECT v10 is a big a$$ build, and it has something for everyone to get excited about. This post gives you the highlights, and I will dive deeper into each of these topics in upcoming posts.
Introducing Keith Whitaker, Area Business Development Manager
Keith has built relationships and partnered with law firms of all sizes and Fortune 1000 corporate legal departments throughout the U.S. to deliver customized solutions to help organizations solve their technology challenges and achieve...
iCONECT Feature of the Year Award - Winner
The iCONECT Feature of the Year winner is...
Day 4: iCONECT Feature of the Year Award - Cast Your Vote
So, to recap this week's posts for the iCONECT Feature of the Year, here are the list of features that are nominated. Vote by leaving a comment. We will tally these comments and announce the winner next week.
Day 3: iCONECT Feature of the Year Award - 3 Nominees
My award show continues with the final 3 nominees for the iCONECT Feature of the Year:
Day 2: iCONECT Feature of the Year Award - 3 Nominees
My award show continues today with the next 3 nominees.
Series: Introducing iCONECT Feature of the Year Award
I love award shows! I love the speeches, the songs, and best of all, when the music comes on mid-speech and the winner powers through it. So, this year I have decided to host my own version of an award show, and I am going to make it an annual thing...
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